

Welcome to Scout BSA Troop 307B - Catonsville, Maryland - Serving youth since 1929


Catonsville Troop 307B is one of the oldest Boy Scout troops in the Baltimore Area Council! The troop is sponsored by the American Legion Dewey Lowman Post 109.  Join us on Tuesday for meetings at Catonsville United Methodist Church at 7:00 PM. 

With trained youth and adult leadership, Troop 307 is committed to a strong outdoor program, combined with community service to support the core values of Boy Scouts to develop leadership, character, citizenship, and personal fitness. We embrace the philosophy of the "boy-led, adult-supervised" troop.

How Do I Join?

Scouting BSA is open to any boy or girl in middle or high school. For more information please feel free to drop the membership committee an email at: membership@troop307.mytroop.us

Are You On The Troop 307 E-mail List?

To ensure the safety of our Scouts this is a secure password protected site. You should have received your user name and password via an email message. If you do not have your user name and password on the website or need your password reset, please contact the webmaster.

Troop 307B Popcorn Clearance Sale

Posted by admin on Feb 3 2025 - 10:16am

Troop 307B is holding a clearance sale on remaining popcorn

Popcorn Types:  S'mores Popcorn, Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn and White Cheddar Popcorn 

All popcorn discounted to $8.00 per bag

Orders can be placed here at the Troop 307B Online Store.

Register for the Sub Sale to help

Posted by admin on Jan 20 2025 - 10:05am

Crew 307 is looking for help from Troop 307B members to help with and earn money from the annual Super Bowl Sunday sub sale.

  • Mid-Jan - Feb 2  -- advertise, gather orders via flyers, using online sales store
  • Feb 8 @ 6PM -- attend sub preparation - help prepare orders - pizza served
  • Feb 9 @ 7AM -- morning final prep and delivery
  • Scouts deliver orders marked for Delivery (some will be customer pickup)

Scouts will receive a percentage of their sales directly into their Scout account.

To make this work, we need your Help!  Click on the link below

Adult Volunteers Needed

Posted by admin on Sep 23 2024 - 3:03pm
As our Troop continues to grow and thrive, we are seeking additional adult volunteers to join both the Troop Committee and Troop Programming.  Adult leaders play a crucial role in supporting our Scouts and helping the Troop run smoothly by overseeing activities, planning events, handling logistics, and ensuring the program's success.
We currently have a few open positions and could use extra hand in the following areas: 
  • Treasurer:  Managing Troop finances and keeping accurate records.
  • Restuarant Fundraising Coordinator:  Organize and manage approximately four restaurant fundraisers each year.
  • Assistant Scout Master:  Assisting with Troop meetings and activities; providing guidance during campouts and outdoor events; supporting Scouts as they work on advancement and merit badges; helping to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.
  • Medical Form (AHMR) Coordinator:  Collecting, organizing, and managing the medical forms for the Scouts and Leaders; Ensuring that the medical forms are complete; reaching out to families when the forms have expired.
  • Boards of Review: Part of a team that meets with scouts who are advancing in rank to assess their progress, evaluate the Scout's growth, provide feedback and encouragement to the Scout, and to ensure that the Scout's overall experience with the Troop is one that is positive.

No prior experience is necessary, and your involvement can be flexible to suit your schedule.  Volunteering with the Troop is a rewarding way to be involved in your Scout's journey, support the Troop, and contribute to the success as a team.

If you're interested in learning more or are able to help, please don't hesitate to reach out to either Scoutmaster Aaron Koos or Committee Chair Dave Gutberlet.

Friends of Troop 307 Facebook Group

Posted by admin on Jun 7 2024 - 11:54pm

Send email to the Troop 307B webmaster to join Friends of Troop 307 Facebook group.  This is a Private Group, so adults can post Troop 307 information. Only members of the group can see posts.  Due to BSA Social Media policy must be 21 years of age or older to join the group.

T307 - Medication Policy

Posted by admin on May 15 2024 - 4:14pm

As we start ramping things up for Summer Camp, it's a good time to be reminded of Troop 307's policy toward medication.

Summary -- The first priority of the Troop is keeping our Scouts safe, and we do our best to work with you to ensure that happens.  If medication is to be distributed at a troop event, a discussion with POC/ASM is required ahead of the event.  A leader will hold/manage all medications unless a discussion between the parents and leaders determines that other arrangements are acceptable.  The key to this policy is communication, both open and honest, between the parents and Troop leadership before the event.  This policy is inline with BSA guidelines.  The full policy can be found here.

Scheduling Boards of Review

Posted by admin on Dec 7 2023 - 12:49pm


Once you've successfully completed your Scoutmaster Conference, it's time to schedule a Board of Review!

To schedule a Board of Review, go to the Troop calendar, locate the Board of Review event that's on the date you'd like to schedule and sign up. Afterward, send an e-mail message to Audrey White (bor@troop307b.us), the Troop's Advancement Chair, and let her know that you've signed up for a Board of Review.

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